




 みんな見ろ!!! 必見だ!!! 広めてくれ〜〜〜!!!

 ちなみに... <安倍首相訪米>慰安婦問題でアジア系住民団体などがデモ つう毎日新聞ソースの記事なんだけど...




 んだと、えええ、たった50人!? もっと頑張れよ!!!(笑)。オレは安倍の曖昧路線を決して支持しないが、米のアホ連中にはもっと騒いで欲しいかも。日本のナショナリズムに灯が灯りつつあるからな(hehe







 まさおは二階で勉強しなさ〜い まさおは二階で勉強シコシコ〜
 シコシコ〜〜してるうっちに〜 まさおは二階が好きになる〜〜
 みんな不良〜少年〜だった〜〜 みんな不良〜少年〜だった〜〜



「どんな曲?」との質問に、クラスメイトと担任の教師の前で、一人この曲を歌い上げるオレの悪友... このバカタレ!!! なのだが、あろうコトか、みんなにバカウケで、何の異論も出ずに決定してしまった(笑)。女子はこの歌詞の意味が判っていなかったと思うのだが、止めろよ、先生(汗)。

 かくしてキャンプファイアの前、クラス全員で「まさおという名で小学生」を合唱した大バカ者はオレ達だ。他のクラスの生徒と先生方はどう思ったのだろうか...。それにしても女子中学生の、「シコシコ〜〜〜してるうっちに〜♪」などという萌えな合唱を耳にする機会はもう二度とあるまい(爆)。その夜は女子のテントに潜り込んだりしたなぁ... 青春だったぜ!!!^^





 日本の大学で銃乱射すれば英雄になれたのに! (エイッ‾! かんしゃく爆発:イザ!












Read the following letters and see the tipical Korean mentality.


 I am feeling regret about the incident.

 If the Korean student had openfired in a college in Japan, he would have been a everlasting hero for all Koreans like An Jung-gun who assassinated Duke Ito.

 Japan once killed more than one million Koreans including comfort women victims under its wars of aggressions and colonial policies.

 His shooting some 30 Japanese students would have been a trifling matter in comparison with the crime ever Japan comitted.

 If he had caused this massacre in Japan,I bet he woldn't have killed himself and We Korean people would have given him an enthusiastic welcome.

 I express my condolence on death of the Korean student who might have been a hero.




 売国「屈中集団」一考 博士の独り言
 温家宝訪日 中共の微笑外交に釣られるな! ぼやきくっくり
 インド首相の国会演説を大手マスコミが意図的に無視しているのは明白です。 株式日記と経済展望





 大沢あかねの「こっちはジーコ」。詳しい経緯はコレかな? すげ〜笑える。


Dirty Kuffar






American conngress men! Are they hypocrite or devil? Why could they be- tray a credible friend country with USA? There were no concreate vouchers showinng "army compulsory prostitution" which might be faked story for insulting Japanese.

In Iraq , Japan has cooperated with the United States Armed Forces according to an American request. It is not only sake of Iraq and Afghanistan that dispatch Japan army forces in the Indian Ocean and in Iraq, but of valuable frienndship with USA. American Congressmen ! At first there should be able to be some-thing honorable for USA that yourself should do it, before demanndinng apology from Japan.

U.S.A. does not apologize once for great heavy casualties of Hirosima,Ngasaki mass- acre and Tokyo blitzkrieg. Why is there no apology to the past that yourself did ? Instead ,why are you seeking for Japanese apology ?

10 Mar. 1945, U.S. air force performed Tokyo blitzkrieg indiscriminately, and it caused 100,000 eonormous victims by this dirty air raid of which was first done in ex- ternal outskirts of Tokyo City for prevenntinng from people escape. Needles to say, about Hirosima and Ngasaki tragedy of Mssacre.

I will tell you others which are not story , but the facts. 30.Aug.1945, US. forces landed Yokosuka of Kanagawa Japan just after the end of the war. On the day only, 315 rape cases are reported only in Kanagawa pref. Which occured by U.S. soldiers. And, within 10 days only from the day of 30th Aug. to 10th Sep. there are reportd 1326 rape cases. Neverthless, there was no punishment of their insulting crime againnst the huma- nity. Of course, no apology.There remained tragedy of humiliation to the defeated nation.

Apology of Japan finish by approx. 1000 persons death execution in the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal which expiate enough Japan. Radhabinod Pal, the Indian justice at the court, argued in his dissenting opinion that Japan was innocent. He wrote, "If Japan is judged, the Allies should also be judged equally." However, his opinion was not shared by the majority of the justices at Tokyo Court. Now, most of people say his opinion is corect. But one thousannd personns lives we re no more retrieved.

Especialy, "Class C" war criminals which brought many death sentennses were mostly guilty of crimes against humanity. In Iraq, US soldiers also committed torture and atrocities against Iraqi detainees Inside Abu Ghraib prison which were showing much more cruel than Japanese soldiers cases. However,we never hear of their death sentennses of US soldires committed.

Iraqi Ex-president Hussein was judged by "a crime of peace, a crime of humanity". Iraq,in which there were no weapons of mass destruction, and they had nothing to do with terrorism of Al Qaeda. President Bush comitted Iraq attack on the basis of illinformations. There are no apology of your President, still remainn continuous tragedy of Iraq peoples.

Why can' t your Congressmen impeach him for " a crime of peace". Why will he not beg for excuse to Iraq people. Neverthless, do Congressmen still want apology of Japan. Do you play hipocrite disguiseed under the mask of angel or devil ?

American Conngressmen ! Do you have honorable pride as USA representative ? Listen to us carefully, before becoming world subject for contempt.

The Marine Force of Japan still now serves free fuel-oil supply to USA Forces Ships and ships of other ally countries according to an American request on the Indian Oce- an more than five years. The Air Force of Japan violates danger flight for supplying acti- vity to assist USA army between Iraq and Kuwait. In addition to. Japanese Government bought huge amount of USA Bonds for help of USA activities in Iraq.

Why do the Conngress throw a dirty ball to Japan in substitution for thanks and the fri- endship for cooperation of Japanese self-denying service ?

We,Japanese must return it. We should reconsider necessity of USA Army Bases in Japan and Security Treaty between Japan and USA.